
The pictures on this page and any of its subpages are somehow related to design, publishing and printing. These include photographs of designs or logos that I find either appealing or interesting. There are also many pics of stores and museums. Most of them are made using my current workhorse, a Fujifilm S5 Pro DSLR. Others were taken with my previous Nikon D70 or the Pentax compact camera that I still sometimes use.

Picture blog posts

The Selexyz bookstore – According to The Guardian this is the most beautiful book store in the world.

The table shaped like a cross is a nice design touchDuring a second visit I made some abstract pictures in that store.

Blurry photo or picture of a guy reading a book or magazine

Typography in Lisbon – a few design related pictures from a trip to the capital of Portugal

The men's toilet in the Centro Cultural of Belém near Lisbon, PortugalVarious libraries around the world – A few shots from libraries such as the Public Library in New York.

The interior of the Public Library in 5th avenue in Manhattan, New York

Random shots

At drupa 2012 I shot a fun picture titled ‘Bored by Benny‘.

The poster below is from the tiny Stampe & Vertongen aircraft museum in Deurne, Belgium.

Poster in the Stampe-Vertonge museum in Deurne, BelgiumEvery summer there is a re-enactment of a World War 2 army camp near my home. One of the things that caught my attention during a visit are the stencils that are used to print various types of messages on jeeps, trucks, tanks and other vehicles.

"Caution - Do Not Overfill" message on an American jeepMuch nicer is this logo above the radiator of a Morris.

Logo on the nose of a military vehicleI almost got a severe case of logo overload while snapping away on Time Square in New York.

Logo overload on Time Square

Just as colorful is this close-up of a piece of art in the Kroller-Muller museum in Holland.

Colorful typeThe poster below was hidden in a corner of the MAS museum in Antwerp. I like the color and the funny way in which the artist distorted the globe to make sure Antwerp is in the center while New York remains visible.

This poster is exhibited at the MAS museum in Antwerp

I took the next shot in one of the rooms of the Château de Modave, a richtly decorated castle near Liège in Belgium. It looks so much nicer than a cheap desk from Ikea with a portable on it for writing e-mails.

Picture of a 'secretaire' at the Château de comtes de Marchin

Other pages containing pictures

There are tons of pictures on the web of the airplanes of Kulula Air, with their bright hilarious lettering. I couldn’t resist the tempation to put a few on this page.

The page about photochrome prints contains pictures of old postcards. Most of them were printed between 1890 and 1991 using the Photochrom or Aac process.

My pages about various printing museums are also filled with photographs. You can do a virtual visit to the national museum of the playing card – Turnhout, Belgium,  the Plantin-Moretus museum – Antwerp, Belgium,  the Historische drukkerij – Turnhout, Belgium, L’imprimerie du Fourneau Saint-Michel and the Het huis van Alijn – Ghent, Belgium