A PostScript error ‘dictstackoverflow’ offending command ‘something’ is caused by an incorrect PostScript file that is sent to the RIP. Dictstackoverflow errors mean that there are too many ‘begin’s in the PostScript file: each begin command must have a corresponding end command.
John mailed that his problems with a dictstackoverflow error vanished when he removed and replaced the marks on a Signastation job that was sent to a Metadimension RIP.
A Postscript error: dictstackoverflow, offending command begin can also occur when printing files that contain an EPS file created in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5. Exporting the graphic as a PDF is one workaround. Importing the EPS in Illustrator and exporting it again as an EPS is another solution.
With this type of problem, you should always check whether a newer version of the application that created the problem file is available.
Since some programs (essentially non-prepress applications) rely on the PostScript driver installed on your system to create the PostScript code that is sent to the RIP, you can also try to use another driver to print the file.