For a new software release, I suggested that we made some data available via the web, instead of bundling them in the application. By publishing the data via the web, it would be easier to always provide the latest version, instead of expecting our users to update their local installation. This brought up a discussion on how many people actually have internet access at work. I had no idea so why not put a poll on this site? It ran between November 2015 and March 2016. Here are the results:
Do you have web access on your computer at work?
- Yes, unlimited access (46%, 251 Votes)
- Yes, with some limitations (29%, 157 Votes)
- Yes, with severe filtering (16%, 85 Votes)
- I have no computer access (7%, 37 Votes)
- No, surfing is not allowed (3%, 14 Votes)
Total Voters: 544