Personally I am a bit reluctant to use Facebook and have my doubts about the usefulness of Linkedin. I do like Twitter and Instagram though. During spare minutes you can also catch me scrolling through pages of Pinterest images.
Since social media are all the rage, I wondered what everyone else is using or finding relevant. This poll asked visitors ‘Which 3 social media channels are the most relevant for graphic arts?’ It ran from November 2017 to early March 2018. The odd thing about the results is the low scores for LinkedIn and Twitter. These happen to be the social media that vendors use the most to reach out to their customers.
Which 3 social media channels are the most relevant for graphic arts?
- Instagram (27%, 58 Votes)
- Pinterest (18%, 38 Votes)
- YouTube (16%, 35 Votes)
- Tumbler (13%, 29 Votes)
- Facebook (9%, 19 Votes)
- Reddit (7%, 15 Votes)
- Twitter (6%, 12 Votes)
- LinkedIn (4%, 9 Votes)
Total Voters: 78