These technologies are or could be used in prepress environments.
- PJTF – The Adobe Portable Job Ticket Format is the predecessor of the JDF standard.
- QR codes – A Quick Response code is a 2D barcode that among others can be used to add a web link to a printed page. A separate page shows some creative uses of QR bar codes.
- RAID – A technology for storing data
- XPS – An alternative to PDF
I also maintain notes about my Windows 7 system. Next to Windows 2000 and (for its days) Windows 95 I find it to be one of the best Microsoft operating systems I have worked with.
Other resources that might be useful:
- A conversion table from decimal to binary, hexadecimal & the matching ASCII characters. Oddly enough this was one of the most popular pages on this site for many years.
- Font formats – such as TrueType and Type 1
I want to get all print size for Jep image.