Offending command: setdistillerparams

As you can imagine, this offending command can show up in Acrobat Distiller if something is wrong with the job settings of the application. To get rid of the error, it pays to take a better look at the error message. The text right after ‘ErrorInfo:’ should give you a good idea on what to look for.


The error is typically caused by corrupted or damaged ICC-profiles, which need to be replaced. You can find more information on updating the profiles in this Adobe support article.

A fairly ‘popular’ PostScript error in Distiller is %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: setdistillerparams; ErrorInfo: CalCMYKProfile U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2 ]%%. This error is caused by the color management settings and files of Acrobat.

  • One possible solution is to go to the menu option Acrobat Distiller 5.0 – Settings – Job Options (ebook, print etc) – Color and then set the ‘Color Management Policies’ box to ‘Leave Color Unchanged’.
  • Here is another procedure to fix this problem when it is caused by the color profile ‘U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2’ has gone missing.
    • On the Adobe web site to the ‘ICC profiles for Windows‘ page and grab ‘Adobe ICC profiles’.
    • Click Proceed to download and then Download Now
    • Extract the ZIP file and go to Adobe ICC Profiles (end-user)\CMYK Profiles
    • Right click ‘USWebCoatedSWOP.icc’ and click Install Profile. This should fix the problem.

3 thoughts on “Offending command: setdistillerparams

  1. Thanks for publishing this great tip. A couple minutes and a quick download later I’m back in business.

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