A PostScript error offending command get is often caused by corrupted or incorrect imported graphics.
General solutions
- Try opening all the graphics from your page using the application used to create them and simply resave the files. Then update the links in the page and try printing again.
- Switching to another format (like saving all TIFF files as EPS-es) may also get the job done.
Specific issues
PostScript error undefined, offending command get
- This error is generated by the RIP whenever it tries to read data from a dictionary which are not there. Those dictionaries can be sent along the file by the application, they can be part of an EPS or PS-file but they can also be one of the RIP-dictionaries. So if this error happens with a lot of similar jobs, you might get rid of it by reinstalling the software of the RIP.
- When a Global Graphics (Harlequin) RIP generates an ‘undefined’ PostScript error, offending command ‘get’ when processing a PDF coming from Adobe Indesign 2.x, it is time to upgrade to ScriptWorks 5.5r1a or later. This version has fewer problems handling composite fonts.
- When printing an Adobe PDF file or from Adobe Acrobat or InDesign: create a PostScript file, convert it to PDF with ‘Acrobat 3 compatibility’ activated, and print this PDF.
- The same error can also show up in Scenicsoft Preps 4.0 when PostScript level 2 in-rip separations are activated and one or more process colors are not selected for output. This error is fixed in Preps 4.02.
- When using Preps to output PDF file with duotones, a ‘Get’ error can also show up when the Acrobat 5 plug-in is used to generate PostScript data. To correct this problem, you must change the PostScript Level of the Acrobat plug-in to level3 in the Preps “.cfg” file. To do this, use an editor to open the correct .cfg file from the Preps profiles folder and change the line that says -PLUGINPSLEVEL:2 to: -PLUGINPSLEVEL:3. More information can be found on the Scenicsoft web site.
PostScript error typecheck, offending command get
A PostScript error typecheck error, offending command get may be caused by bad DOS PostScript code. Try selecting the multiple page option in the DOS application and recreate the PostScript file.
PostScript error rangecheck, offending command get
InDesign 1.x documents that contain tints can cause a PostScript error “rangecheck” offending command “get” when printed to a PostScript emulation device like an HP Laserjet 4000. I am not aware of any solutions besides printing to a printer that uses a real Adobe interpreter.
ATM Deluxe
ATM Deluxe can also cause get errors. Switch off ‘font substitution’ in the ATM Deluxe settings.
–get– is an PostScript operator that extracts elements of dictionaries, arrays, and strings. PostScript interpreter complains when this operation cannot be completed for some reason. The exact cause of the problem cannot, usually, be determined without analysis of a sample file.
Please contact Coscript Consulting for professional resolution of PostScript and PDF issies: [email protected] or +1 (610) 529 3475.
Same here.
I am using ubuntu 9.04 with Cups 1.3.9 and network printer BizHub 600 driver Konica Minolta 750/600 PS(P).
Any solution???
Best Regards
I am trying to set up Konica Minolta C352 BizHub.
When I try to print a test page (Cups 1.3.9), I get “Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: get; Info: a4”
If I change paper size to letter I get the same error.
If I print from any application I get this same error.
Am trying to print from Cups 1.3.9; Ubuntu 9.04.
Regardless of which ppd I use; same error; even with generic ps ppd.
Any ideas????