This dictionary covers graphic design, prepress and print terminology
Click a letter to see more layout, printing and binding terms of this glossary
File extentions that begin with ‘a’
.a11 – graphics AIIM image file
.acb – ACMB graphics
.adc – ScanStudio bitmap graphic (16 colours)
.adf – Amiga disk file that stores the contents of an entire Amiga floppy in a single binary file.
.afm – Adobe Font Metric file, used to provide information on Adobe fonts.
.ai – Adobe Illustrator drawing
.aiff – audio interchange file
.aif – audio interchange file
.amg – Actor system image file
.anm – Delux Paint Animator animation
.ans – ANSI graphics (for character animation)
.apd – Aldus PageMaker document
.arc – file compressed using the arc program. It can be decompressed by several utilities on the market.
.ark – file compressed using the arc program. It can be decompressed by several utilities on the market.
.arj – file compressed using the arj program. It can be decompressed by several utilities on the market.
.art – First Publisher raster graphic
.asf – ActiveMovie Streaming Format, an internet distribution format from Microsoft which adds video to selected portions of an audio file.
.asc – plain ASCII textfile, can be opened in any editor or wordprocessor
.au – audio format that originated on UNIX systems
.avi – Audio Video Interleaved animation file (for Video for Windows)
.awk – script that uses the AWK language
.awm – Animation Works movie
File extentions that begin with ‘b’
.bak – backup file
.bar – Unix archive, similar to tar
.bas – code file for the Basic programming language
.bat – batch file for the MS-DOS operating system. May also work on Windows systems.
.bbs – Bulletin Board System announce or text info file
.bdf – bitmap distribution format, a file used for storing bitmapped fonts on Unix systems
.bga – bitmap graphics file
.bin – file saved using Macintosh MacBinary encoding
.bio – OS/2 bios file
.bmp – Microsoft bitmap image format, can be opened in PhotoShop.
.bob – General graphics data-format for storing an uncompressed 256-color palette-type picture image
.bpt – Corel Draw bitmap fills file
.bsh – Bourne Shell script or Bourne-Again Shell script for Unix systems
.bz2 – file compressed using the bzip2 program
File extentions that begin with ‘c’
.c – source file written in the C++ programming language
.cab – Cabinet file, non-proprietary format used for automatic Internet Component Download by Web browsers, such as the Microsoft Internet Explorer. Can be opened with Microsoft’s Cabinet File Viewer, an application bundled with PowerToys.
.cdr – Corel Draw vector graphics drawing
.cfg general extension for a configuration file
.cgi – common gateway interface file
.cgm – computer graphics metafile, an image file
.chk WordPerfect for Windows temporary file
.chr – generic extension indicating ‘character’ data
.clp – contents of the Windows 3.1 clipboard
.cmd – OS/2 batch file
.cmv – Corel Move animation
.cmx – CorelDraw Clip Art document file format (v5.0)
.com – command file, a program for an MS-DOS or Windows system
.cpi – ColorLab image bitmap graphics
.cpp – source file written in the C++ programming language
.cpt – file compressed using Compact Pro (on a Mac)
.csh – C-Shell script for a Unix system
.css – cascading style sheet file, used to define a cascading style sheet for a web page
.ct – contone file, may be part of a TIFF/IT file
.cvs – Canvas graphics file
.cwk – AppleWorks (or ClarisWorks) document that can contain text, a spreadsheet, a database, a presentation or a drawing
.cws – AppleWorks stationery
.cxx – source file written in the C++ programming language.
File extentions that begin with ‘d’
.dat – generic extension for a data file (often ASCII)
.dcs – CMYK image file, can be opened in Adobe Photoshop
.dem – generic extension for a demo file
.dib – device-independant bitmap graphics file
.dic – generic extension for a dictionary file
.dll – Windows dynamic link library, deleting one of these can damage MS Windows !
.dmf – file containing vector fonts for Amiga systems
.doc – generic extension indicating some sort of text document, usually in ASCII. Both FrameMaker and MS-Word often save their native format files with this extension as well.
.dos – text file containing MS-DOS specific information
.drv – generic extension for a driver (eg for a printer or other device)
.dsm – DSI digital sound module
.dwf – DEC Windows Format, a format for storing bitmapped fonts on DEC UNIX systems
File extentions that begin with ‘e’
.emf – Windows enhanced metafile, a format for graphic data
.enc – Encore music file
.eps – encapsulated PostScript file that can contain text, bitmap images and vector data.
.err – generic extions for an error log file, usually ASCII
.exe – a program for an MS-DOS or Windows system
File extentions that begin with ‘f’
.f3 – Sun Folio format, used for storing vector fonts on Sun UNIX system.
.f3b – Sun Folio format, used for storing vector fonts on Sun UNIX systems
.f66 – source file written in the FORTRAN programming language
.f77 – source file written in the FORTRAN programming language
.f90 – source file written in the FORTRAN programming language
.fac – Face graphics file
.faq – ASCII document that answers frequently asked questions.
.fax – generic description for a fax saved as a graphics file
.fit – FITS graphics file
.fix – generic description for a patch file
.fla – Adobe Flash file; containing flash graphics used on web pages
.fm – FrameMaker file
.fp – final page file, may be part of a TIFF/IT file
.fpx – Kodak FlashPix image
.ftk – FastTrack audio data
File extentions that begin with ‘g’
.ged – EnerGraphics graphics editor file
.gf – generic font file for a system running TEX
.gif – general image format file, containing an image or simple animation. These files can be opened in PhotoShop.
.gmf – Applause CGM graphics file
.gz – compressed file. Can be decompressed using any of the utilities on the market that support ZIP-compression.
File extentions that begin with ‘h’
.h – header file written in either C or C++
.hdf – hierarchical data format file, it supports the storage of many different data types, including images and tables. On most platforms, tools are available that can handle HDF files.
.hlp – generic extension for a help file
.hqx – BinHex file. Binhex encoding originated on Macintosh. It is used when files are transfered on internet or via email. Binhex decoders can be found for Windows, MS-DOS and UNIX as well as Macintosh.
.ht – hypertext markup language file (a web page)
.html – hypertext markup language file (a web page)
File extentions that begin with ‘i’
.iax – IBM Image Access Executive graphics file
.icn – Icon source code file
.ico – Windows 3.x icon file
.id – disk identification file
.idw – IntelliDraw vector graphics file
.idx – index file for database
.iff – image file format containing a bitmap image
.img – Ventura Publisher bitmap graphics file
.iso – file containing the entire content of a CD, can be read may many cd-writer applications.
File extentions that begin with ‘j’
.jar – Java archive
.java – file written in the Java language
.jbg – image file, optimized for FAX type images. Free viewing programs are available for most platforms.
.jbig – image file, optimized for FAX type images. Free viewing programs are available for most platforms.
.jpeg – image, compressed using the JPEG compression algorithm
.jpg – image, compressed using the JPEG compression algorithm
.js – file containing JavaScript data
.jtp – TIFF bitmap file with Jpeg compression applied
File extentions that begin with ‘k’
.key – keyborad macro
.ksh Korn Shell script for a Unix system
File extentions that begin with ‘l’
.lbr – Lotus 1-2-3 display driver
.lgo – Windows 3.x startup logo code
.lib – generic extension for library data
.lw linework file, may be part of a TIFF/IT file
.lwf – image file
File extentions that begin with ‘m’
.mac – generic extension for macro file
.map – Linker map file
.map – Atlas Mapmaker map
.mem Wordperfect macro editor macro file
.mf – MetaFont file, used to store font information for Tex systems
.mid – musical instrument digital interface file (audio file)
.midi – musical instrument digital interface file (audio file)
.mif – maker interchange format file, a type of FrameMaker file
.miff – ImageMagic image file
.mki – Magview japanese graphics file
.mmm – MacroMind Director 3.x movie file
.mod – audio module file, can be played on all platform
.mov – QuickTime file, containing either a movie or sounds
.mov – AutoCad Autoflix movie
.mp2 – mpeg compressed audio file
.mp3 – mpeg compressed audio file
.mpg – mpeg compressed movie
.msg – generic extension for message file
.msp – MS Paint bitmap graphics file
.mus – Musictime sound file
.mvi – AutoCad Autoflix movie command file
File extentions that begin with ‘n’
.nap – VideoShow file
.new – generic description for file containing new information
File extentions that begin with ‘o’
.old – generic description for old backup file
.otf – OpenType font containing PostScript Type 1 font data
.out – output file
File extentions that begin with ‘p’
.pafsc – Esko Packed Archive File, used to typically bundle up all files needed for a job.
.pas – source file written in the Pascal programming language
.pbm – portable bitmap format file, ian ASCII image format designed primarily to be portable across different platforms.
.pcd – Kodak PhotoCD image
.pcf – Portable Compiled Format file, containing bitmapped fonts for X-windows systems
.pcx Paintbrush bitmap graphics file
.pdd – PhotoDeluxe Data image
.pdf – Portable Document Format file, can be opened using Acrobat Reader, a freeware program that can be downloaded from the Adobe website
.pfa – PostScript font ASCII file, used for storing vector fonts on the X-Windows system
.pfb – PostScript font binary file, used for storing vector fonts
.pfm – printer font metric file, used to provide font information on an Windows machine
.pgm – portable graymap format file (an ASCII image format)
.phtml – similar to shtml but not as common
.pict – Macintosh bitmap picture format
.pct – Macintosh bitmap picture format
.pic – Macintosh bitmap picture format
.pic – Pixar picture file
.pk – TEX packed font file, used for storing bitmapped fonts
.pkg – probably a Newton package (remember Newton, the next big thing from Apple?)
.pl – Perl script, a program written in the Perl language
.pl – TEX property list file
.pm3 – Adobe PageMaker 3.x document
.pm4 – Adobe PageMaker 4.x document
.pm5 – Adobe PageMaker 5.x document
.png – portable network graphics image, can be opend in PhotoShop
.ppm – portable pixmap file, contains an ASXII-encoded image
.ppt – Microsoft PowerPoint document
.press – source files for the Newton Press program
.ps – Postscript file
.psd – Adobe PhotoShop file, containing an image. Can be opened in some other image manipulation programs.
.puz – Microsoft Publisher packaged file
.pxr – Pixar image, can read by numerous different image manipulation programs for several different platforms.
File extentions that begin with ‘q’
.qt – Apple QuickTime movie
.qxd – Quark XPress document
File extentions that begin with ‘r’
.ras – Sun rasterfile format (old image file format)
.reg – Windows 3.x OLE registration or a Corel registration file
.rem – general extension for a file containing remarks
.rif – Fractal Design Painter bitmap graphics file
.rip – BBS graphics file
.rtf – rich-text format file, can be opened in Word or imported in Xpress or PageMaker (provided the necessary filter is installed)
File extentions that begin with ‘s’
.sav – backup file
.scr – Windows 3.x screen saver file
.sda – self-dissolving archive contains compressed data that should in theory decompress itself when run. StarOffice also saves its drawing program documents with this extension
.sdc – StarOffice spreadsheet document
.sdd – StarOffice presentation
.sdw – StarOffice word processing document
.sea – self-extracting archive, mainly used on Mac but decompression is also possible on Windows systems. Doubleclicking it should decompress the data. Can be created using Stuff-it
.sfl – SoftFont file, used for storing bitmapped fonts for HP printers
.sfp – SoftFont file, used for storing bitmapped fonts for HP printers
.sfs – SoftFont Scalable font file, used for storing vector fonts for HP printers
.sfx – self-extracting archive
.sh – Bourne Shell script
.shar – group of files that are combined into a single file, mostly used on Unix systems
.sha – group of files that are combined into a single file, mostly used on Unix systems
.shm – HTML file utilizing server-side includes
.shtml – HTML file utilizing server-side includes
.sid – audio file. Free SID players are available for most platforms.
.snf – server normal format, used for storing bitmapped fonts
.sng – Midisoft Studio song
.spd – Bitstream Speedo format file, used for storing vector fonts on the X-Windows system
.swf – Flash animation, used on web pages
File extentions that begin with ‘t’
.tar – groups of files combined into one file, created using the tar program
.tcl – program written in the Tcl programming language
.tem – template file written in the C++ programming language
.tgz – group of files that have been combined (using tar) and then compressed (using gzip)
.tiff – image saved using the tagged image file format, can be opened in most image manipulation programs
.tif – image saved using the tagged image file format, can be opened in most image manipulation programs
.tmp – generic xtension for a temporary file
.toc – table of content file
.ttf – Truetype font file, used for storing vector fonts. .TTF is also used for OpenType fonts containing TrueType font data.
.txt – generic extension for simple text files (usually ASCII)
.text – generic extension for simple text files (usually ASCII)
File extentions that begin with ‘u’
.ul – uLaw audio file
.uu – uuencoded file, converted from binary to ASCII so it can be safely transported across the internet or via email. Uuencoding originated on Unix systems but encoders and decoders are now available for virtually every computer platform. Unfortunately it was never really standardized, so sometimes uudecode on one machine will not properly work on something that was uuencoded on another.
.uue – uuencoded file, converted from binary to ASCII so it can be safely transported across the internet or via email. Uuencoding originated on Unix systems but encoders and decoders are now available for virtually every computer platform. Unfortunately it was never really standardized, so sometimes uudecode on one machine will not properly work on something that was uuencoded on another.
File extentions that begin with ‘v’
.vf – virtual font file, used to store composite font information for machines that have TEX installed
.vga – Windows display driver file
.vga – Windows VGA display font file
.vis – VIS graphics file
.vpg – VPGraphics graphics file
File extentions that begin with ‘w’
.wav – waveform audio file, one of the most popular audio formats
.wdb – DataViz document
.wk1 – Lotus 123-2 document, can be opened in other spreadsheets as well
.wks – Lotus 123-1A spreadsheet
.wmf – Windows metafile, the equivalent of the Macintosh PICT format
.wpd – WordPerfect document, can probably be opened in other wordprocessors as well
.wp4 – WordPerfect 4.x document, can probably be opened in other wordprocessors as well
.wp5 – WordPerfect 5.x document, can probably be opened in other wordprocessors as well
.wp6 – WordPerfect 6.x document, can probably be opened in other wordprocessors as well
.wpg – WordPerfect graphics file
.wpp – WordPerfect document, can probably be opened in other wordprocessors as well
File extentions that begin with ‘x’
.xbm – X bitmap file, containing small icons
.xls – Excel spreadsheet document
.xmi – compressed extented midi music file
.xpm – X pixmap file, containing small icons
.xwd – X-Windows dump file, similar toa bmp or pict file
File extentions that begin with ‘y’
.yuv – YUV graphics file
File extentions that begin with ‘z’
.z – UNIX compressed data
.zgm Zenographics graphics file
.zip – file compressed using the zip or pkzip program, the sxtandard compression algorithm for PCs